A common usecase with plugins involves generating MyST AST and inserting it into the document. This page covers a few ways that you can do so.
Parse MyST markdown to AST in a directive or role¶
The easiest way to generate MyST AST in a plugin is by using the parseMyst
function in the ctx
variable. It may be easier to parse MyST Markdown into AST nodes rather than using the MyST sandbox to preview them.
Here’s an example of using the parseMyst
function within a directive plugin to parse the argument of the directive into MyST AST:
const myDirective = {
name: "mydirective",
doc: "My new directive!",
arg: { type: String, doc: "To be parsed into MyST AST." },
run(data, vfile, ctx) {
const ast = ctx.parseMyst(data.arg);
return ast.children[0];
returns a root
node, which contains the parsed MyST.
This function takes the first child of the root node, which is usually better for inserting into the document.
You can also use this to manually construct MyST outputs using the arguments of your directive as data. For example:
const myDirective = {
name: "justacard",
doc: "Basically does what a card directive does!",
arg: { type: String, doc: "To be parsed into MyST AST." },
body: { type: String, doc: "The body of the directive." },
run(data, vfile, ctx) {
const ast = ctx.parseMyst(`:::{card} ${data.arg}\n${data.body}\n:::`);
return ast.children[0];
Use the MyST Sandbox to identify card AST structure¶
The MyST interactive sandbox is a great way to explore what MyST looks like when it is rendered, and what its underlying AST structure looks like.
This is particularly useful if you’re generating MyST AST from scratch. For example, as part of a plugin role or directive.
For example, here’s a video that shows how to use the MyST sandbox to explore the structure of a {card}
Click here to see the full output of the MyST sandbox
{ “type”: “root”, “children”: [ { “type”: “block”, “children”: [ { “type”: “card”, “children”: [ { “type”: “cardTitle”, “children”: [ { “type”: “text”, “value”: “My title” } ] }, { “type”: “paragraph”, “children”: [ { “type”: “text”, “value”: “My card body.” } ] } ] } ] } ] }